14th Feb 2019

Prima Magazine: Behind The Scenes

Jo Atkinson, Fashion Editor of Prima Magazine was looking for a farm location with a wild, rustic, floral look. Wendy Carrig, her chosen photographer recommended she speak to me. I put forward a few ideas and Float Farm’s abundance of country garden ideas inspired her to book this exclusive Kent farm location.

Float Farm is just a 10 minute taxi ride from Ashford, and with Ashford being only a 30 minute high-speed train ride from St Pancras, it took the crew less than an hour to reach the farm.

A half-hour recce on arrival between a few of us set the tone for the day – a wander through wild meadows, discovering glorious settings under the sun, one after the other. Wendy quickly managed to shortlist her wishlist for backdrops and the day was planned out: including the grassy orchard, chicken run, tennis court, greenhouse, vegetable patch and rose pergola.

Jan, the owner of Float Farm is also a caterer, and provided the crew’s breakfast, lunch and drinks throughout the day. The crew based themselves in the farmhouse – wardrobe in one of the bedrooms, makeup and hair in the vast sitting room, with doors opening out to breakfast on the terrace.

Fashion Photography in Action


Time for Lunch 


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